Hashtag mom life. Enough said, right? If there’s one thing we need on this motherhood journey, it’s encouraging words for moms.
Even through all the preparation of raising little ones into their adulthood lives, there are moments that we must experience and go through ourselves. I believe this is where encouraging words come in handy.
They provide a dose of hope and inspiration through whatever motherhood brings. Here are a few encouraging words to help you along your mommyhood journey.
What do you say to struggling mothers?
For a variety of reasons, mothers can experience many seasons of struggle. From raising multiple kids close in age to parenting rebellious teenagers, the struggle is real.
So, what do you say to struggling mothers? For starters, you can begin by acknowledging the mother’s struggle. Comfort her by letting her know that it’s real, and it’s okay.
If you’ve experienced the same thing, or something similar, you can give her even more encouragement by sharing your personal experiences.
Being transparent with struggling mothers will help them realize they are not the only ones experiencing what they’re going through. It also provides an end to a means.
In other words, your story, testimony, or words of hope can be their light at the end of the tunnel. It is also encouraging to be realistic.
The last thing a struggling mother needs is fluff and false expectations. Keep it real and keep it honest. Those two things will go much further and mean much more to a struggling mother.
Words of Wisdom for New Mothers
Another season of life that often calls for encouraging words for moms is when you become a new mother. Whether or not the new mother knows what to expect, it’s always nice to know that people care enough to share their words of wisdom. Here are a few quotes of wisdom for new mothers:
“There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.”
“Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.”
“A mother is always the beginning. She is how things begin.”
“Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws.”
“There are hard days in motherhood. But looking at your sleeping baby reminds you why it’s all worth it.”
Use these, and others from your own journey, to uplift a new mom’s spirits. When you’re in the thicket of sleepless nights, diaper blowouts, and ongoing feeding frenzies, the journey doesn’t seem so pleasant.
And it seems soon as you’ve gotten a handle of a schedule, the baby decides he or she wants to switch things up. This can be overwhelming and exhausting for a new mother.
Sometimes a word of wisdom or encouragement can be paired with a step of actionable help. Offer to come over and help around the house, keep the baby while she naps, and/or bring a meal or two. If you choose to do this, consider passing along a whisper of encouragement along the way.
If you want to provide more than words and want to take action, here are more ways you can help a new mom.
Encouraging Words for Stay-at-Home Moms
Moms quickly realize they can wear many hats, and for some this includes being a stay-at-home mom. I feel like these moms need a special dose of encouragement simply because they have a pretty tough job that either goes unnoticed or get undermined.
All stay-at-home mom jobs aren’t created equal although you’ll find many similarities. To keep stay-at-home moms encouraged, here are a few words to consider sharing with them:
“Don’t see yourself as just a stay-at-home mom. You are so much more!”
“It’s OK to be (and admit) you’re exhausted.”
“You are allowed to focus on yourself. Self care is a must.”
“It’s normal to think about your life before kids.”
“Do yourself a favor and take a break!”
Same as new moms, stay-at-home moms could use an extra helping hand. Perhaps there is an errand you can run for her, or something you can get her that she’s always wanted.
Any chance you get, let her know how much she’s needed and appreciated. Oftentimes stay-at-home moms carry a secret weight because they are expected to do all the things all the time. This doesn’t have to be the case for the stay-at-home mom in your life!
Motherhood isn’t an easy task, but it’s filled with so much joy. The next time you come in contact with a precious mama – no matter where she is in her journey – offer her a few encouraging words and speak life into her season. She’ll need it and appreciate it more than you know!
If you want practical ideas for getting time to relax and recharge I’ve shared some of my favorite ideas in this post about self care for mothers.
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