Cribs are an important piece of furniture to put into your nursery. It is the place your infant will be sleeping and it needs to be safe. Knowing more about your crib will make your infant’s crib that much safer. One important aspect to know is the weight limit of the crib.
The weight limit of your crib depends on what type and size crib you have, but the normal weight limit is about 50 lbs. Just remember that it could be less if you buy a smaller crib or go with a mini crib.
But why is there a weight limit and what is the exact weight a crib can hold? Why is it important? All these answers will be explained.
What Is A Crib And Why Do They Have A Weight Limit?
For first-time parents, a crib is a smaller bed with railings to keep your infant from rolling off the mattress. This protects your child from harm and ensures they can sleep soundly as well as you sleeping soundly.
If it is for an infant, then why have the weight limit? For safety reasons, it is important that a weight limit is set. Any person who is above that weight limit could cause the crib to malfunction and break. It makes the crib unsafe.
Manufacturers test their cribs to see at what weight causes damage and increase the risk of injury. They don’t want people getting harmed and becoming liable for any damages if they didn’t have a weight limit on their product.
Cribs And Weight Limits: How Much Weight Can A Crib Hold?
A standard crib can withhold the weight between 35 lbs to 50 lbs. 50 lbs is usually the highest weight which is enough weight for your infant. Just don’t have older siblings or adults try to sleep in the crib with your infant.
Mini cribs are a different story. The weight limit for these smaller cribs is about 40 lbs and may be lower depending on the brand. These are great for small spaces and for newborns but they are not meant for toddlers.
Mini cribs cannot handle large babies like standard cribs can. So if your child is a little older and weighs a little more than babies their size, check to see what the weight limit is for your infant’s safety.
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Always check the manual of your crib or the manufacturer to see what the weight limit of your crib is. The weight limit could be less or more depending on the different designs and the material it is made out of.
A crib made of wood may have a different weight limit than one that is made of metal or plastic or particle board wood. It is important to know the differences in the weight limits.
The Importance Of Following The Weight limit: What Happens If You Don’t Follow The Weight Limit?
It is very important to follow the weight limit provided by the crib’s manufacturer.
You don’t want to have more weight because many things could happen. Here are possible outcomes and causes if you don’t follow the weight limit on the crib:
- Damage to the crib.
- Malfunctioning of the crib.
- The crib could collapse.
- Cause injury to you or the infant.
- It can even be fatal for your infant.
It is best to follow the weight limits so you don’t risk your infant’s life and safety. You may not see any damage right away but it could later affect the safety of your infant.
When someone gets in a crib that is over the weight limit, it could weaken the bolts, screws, and joices and result in an injury either to you, that person, or your infant. And although the crib falling apart may not cause severe injury for you, it could be so for your infant.
No one wants to take their infant to the hospital because the crib got damaged by an older kid or adult laying in it. It is traumatic for your infant and traumatic to you as a parent. Abide by those weight limits.
Why It’s Important To Know The Weight Limit Of Your Crib
It is important to know the weight limit of your crib for your infant’s safety. Check each time what the weight limit is when you get a new crib. The weight limit may change and it is better to just know. Knowledge is power and it will ensure the safest environment for your infant.
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